Super-Curricular Students
Super-curricular students stand out among the many accomplished university candidates in the UK.
They are confident and capable individuals who actively take ownership of their academic growth. By engaging with opportunities beyond the standard curriculum, they show an exceptional dedication to learning. This drive and passion for their subjects not only deepen their understanding but also highlight their potential to thrive in a competitive academic landscape.
Howell’s College offers a dynamic programme that empowers students to step into the spotlight as super-curricular students. Please explore the many initiatives we offer below.

The EPQ offers significant benefits to students. It enhances university applications and helps students transition smoothly to university life. Universities value the EPQ because it showcases students’ effective research, critical thinking, and independent study skills. Additionally, EPQ demonstrates their essential planning and presentation abilities, preparing them to excel academically and professionally in university settings.
Guided but not taught, students develop crucial research, planning, and presentation skills in dedicated EPQ sessions. Under the guidance of a supervisor, students identify, design and deliver an individual project in the shape of either a formal, structured piece of writing of 5,000 words, or the creation of an ‘artefact’ combined with a 1,000 word report. The opportunities for an ‘artefact’ based project are endless and could include creating a website, making a model, producing a film, composing a piece of music or designing a scientific experiment.
An important part of this qualification is the completion of a reflective journal. Following completion of the project itself, all students present their findings to an audience and complete a thorough evaluation of their experiences and the skills they have acquired.
The qualification is a valuable and unique opportunity for self-motivated students to illustrate their passion for a particular subject area and prepare them for the rigours of academic study at a higher level.
All students in Year 12 are invited to embark on a Laureate linked to an area in which they have talent or potential. Each Laureate has a central core of leadership, personal enrichment and contribution to Howell’s. It aims to reward students who commit to and develop in an area of their choice. Students can choose from five Laureates: Sporting Excellence, Musical Excellence, Academic Excellence, Product Design and Artistic Excellence, and Dramatic Excellence. Students who achieve a Laureate will have this referred to in their references and at prizegiving.
Students can broaden their horizons through our membership of the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST), embracing opportunities to meet and collaborate with other like-minded students. They can take part in GDST LEAD (Leadership & Enterprise Advanced Diploma) a bespoke programme developed with the London School of Economics to gain a hands-on, experiential introduction to the business world. They will also become part of an alumni network that can support them in whatever walk of life they choose.
Our bespoke lecture programme is designed to stimulate intellectual curiosity and to encourage students to engage with a wide range of topics, delivered by experts in their field.
- During 2022-23, Dr Felix Priestley from the Astronomy Department at Cardiff University came to talk to students about star formations in the Milky Way.
- Dr Haiyao Deng, lecturer in Condensed Matter and Photonics in the School of Physics and Astronomy in Cardiff University, spoke about glasses; how they form and their properties which was an interesting mixture of Chemistry, Physics and even Ancient History.
- “Sushi for Beginners” was a ‘tasty’ presentation from Karen Kimura, the Learning and Development Manager at the GDST.
- Our talented Year 12 students were taken on a journey that ran from the invention of the transistor in 1947, a type of ‘Big Bang’ moment for science and technology.
- Racing through the decades, Dr Manoj Kesaria, Senior Lecturer for Cardiff University’s School of Physics and Astronomy, explained its importance.
- Andrew Cook, a research student from Cardiff University working towards his PhD in Astrophysics, shared both his knowledge and his enthusiasm as he presented a talk on “The Gaseous Nature of Galaxies”.
- Dr Knowles talked on “The Raft of the Medusa – the most creative shipwreck in history?”, interweaving references to a painting, a novel and a cantata.
- Dr Knowles demonstrated how art, literature and music can combine to produce poignant and moving political points that can be reinterpreted throughout time.
- Professor Jeremy Strong, Professor of Literature and Film at the University of West London, entertained our students by presenting the concept of “The Farce of Quality Television”.
Our library induction programme is crucial for students to become well-versed in library processes, especially as they prepare for university. Led by our Head of Library, Jane Wilks, and Deputy Head of Library, Willow Norman, these sessions cover a range of important topics. Students learn about library etiquette, expectations, and procedures for borrowing books. They are also guided on how to request new materials and resources, manage their time effectively, and master referencing skills. This comprehensive induction helps students navigate library resources efficiently and supports their academic success.
The opportunity to pursue learning at undergraduate level may be of interest to scholars. FutureLearn, in particular, is an excellent online social learning opportunity with some of the top Russell Group universities. For those looking to challenge themselves and demonstrate engagement with learning beyond the classroom, this is an excellent way forward. edEx offers online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body.