The Hywelian Guild
In 1906 the Hywelian Guild was founded by twelve enthusiastic ex-students and members of staff, together with the Headmistress, Miss Kendall.
The aims were to keep former students in touch with the school and with each other, to further the interests of the school and to help members who needed professional or financial assistance.
These aims still hold true today and from small beginnings the membership of the Guild grew steadily. It now has over 4,000 members, mainly in the United Kingdom but also in many other countries. Each year the Guild produces an attractive magazine which gives news about Hywelians and highlights of the past year in the school and the Guild, as well as advertising future events. Branches of the Guild exist in Australia and the USA, as well as in West Wales, Southern England, London and Scotland.

Mrs Sally Davis

Mrs Cordelia Jervis (née Green)
The AGM takes place on the same day as the Summer Lunch, which is held on the last Saturday in June each year. Additionally, Hywelians are invited to events including Cocktails at Christmas, Christmas Lunch followed by the Carol Service, the Spring and Summer concerts, and many more.
Those wishing to attend any of the events should contact Hannah Roberts on 029 2026 1825 or email Hywelians@how.gdst.net to let her know at least one week beforehand. Events attract Hywelians of all ages (and sometimes offspring as well), and we are always delighted to see everyone.
New members are welcome at all gatherings, whether at the branches or at the main events at School. Our membership includes people from all walks of life, and we now have some male members as the Sixth Form became coeducational in 2005. Former members of staff are also able to become honorary members of the Guild.