
Foundations of Wellbeing

Wellbeing forms the cornerstone of Howell’s ethos. It’s not just a contemporary buzzword for us; it’s integral to our school’s foundation.

We cherish each girl for who she is, understanding that when she feels supported, included, celebrated, and happy, she can achieve remarkable things.

Whether it’s addressing minor incidents like playground falls or more significant challenges such as friendship issues, our teachers and teaching assistants are trained to identify signs of anxiety and are ready to help. In addition to their vigilance, our Year 6 playground peer monitors play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and supportive environment during break times.

Pastoral care is ingrained in every aspect of school life and is deliberately integrated into our timetable. This ensures our core values of tolerance, inclusion, understanding, and sensitivity filter through to the girls. Key activities include:

  • Weekly PSHE sessions for all girls
  • Regular assemblies addressing current issues
  • Open and transparent communication with parents

Our Senedd:

To empower our girls with a voice and early leadership experiences, we’ve established our own Senedd in the Prep School. Councillors from Year 1 to Year 6 represent their peers in various pupil voice groups. Each councillor, serving on behalf of groups like Eco, Fairtrade, Wellbeing, Super Ambassadors, and Criw Cymraeg (our Welsh language initiative), communicates developments and new ideas to the Senedd, parents, staff, and Governors.