
Senior School Curriculum

Our teachers have a deep enthusiasm for their subjects and are committed to providing high-quality teaching which develops intellectually curious, self-motivated, enthusiastic young women with an enduring love of learning. Regular, tailored feedback between teacher and student, in all aspects of work and play, is at the heart of our success in allowing each girl to realise her true potential.
Mrs Cathy Darnton, Deputy Principal (Academic)

Curriculum overview

In Year 7, girls dive into a vibrant core curriculum of English, French, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science, Spanish, and Welsh—laying a strong foundation for future success.

Creativity and wellbeing

The arts will always be at the heart of our curriculum at Howell’s. From Art and Design to Drama, Music, and Product Design, we encourage and celebrate creativity and self-expression. In addition to our arts programmes, we promote a healthy lifestyle through our comprehensive Physical Education and Wellbeing Programme, ensuring our students develop both physically and mentally.

Expanding horizons through Modern Foreign Languages

In Year 8, all girls select two Modern Foreign Languages to develop their linguistic skills while also beginning their study of Latin. This approach enhances communication abilities and fosters a rich appreciation for diverse cultures and historical contexts.

GCSE pathways for future success

In Years 10–11, most girls will take 10 GCSE subjects, including Mathematics, English Language, and English Literature. We believe in quality over quantity, ensuring that girls have time for extracurricular activities as well as time for themselves. We encourage students to pursue a modern, broad, and varied curriculum to provide each girl with a solid foundation for the next stage of her education. We recommend a minimum of two Science GCSEs, one Humanities subject, and at least one Modern Foreign Language.